We are a community of Jewish Summer camps that challenges and nurtures fun, growth, and individual and community-based summer experiences.

World-Class Programming

It's all about choice.

Activities at our camps fall into two categories: skill-building and community-development. Our activity program is based around individual choice. Curriculum is developed by our full-time year-round staff and is enhanced by our summer team. Safety truly is a first-priority and our camps are accredited by the American Camping Association or Canadian Camping Association, respectively.

We live in a world where virtually everything is available at our fingertips. Jewish summer camp plays a key role in developing a sense of real-life community for campers, staff, and families. We work to create a space where kids can be exposed to new activities and develop life-long interests.

From waterski programs recognized as exceptional by the USA Waterski Association to continent-wide Hiking and Tripping programs, activities at our camps are compelling for children of all ages.

Artist-in-Residence programing affords campers the opportunity to engage with local and nationally-recognized Jewish professionals in music, sports, drama, and fine arts. Role models are everywhere!

AIJC members are great partners for your organization. We work with the Anti-Defamation League to teach our children about diversity, partner with the iCener to deliver cutting-edge Israel programming, and are active on college campuses through local Hillel partnerships to connect with our staff year-round. Our camps are proud to be a premier host to BBYO's summer leadership programs.

847-514-4255 / Info@aijcamps.org